Damni Kumar /India
Curatorial Statement:
“A commuter’s anecdotes” Damni is a young photographer and an important team member as a coordinator with the prestigious “Museo Camera” in Gurugram, in the National capital Region of Delhi. Being a photographer he finds it impossible to not be an observer of the urban and suburban quotidian world that revolves within the Delhi Metro, which is his everyday commute. His iPhone camera over the time has become his non intrusive, yet an unavoidable tool to convey the many momentary and travel stories of his various oblivious fellow commuters. Damni and his sharp visual storyteller’s eye refuses to let go of these numerous intriguing moments. This continuous process has become his day-to-day ritual since August 2021.
Sandeep Biswas
Damni Kumar, 28 year old. was born in the Indian State of Punjab and Raised in Uttar Pradesh. He moved to New Delhi in 2008. He completed his diploma in photography in 2013 from Apex Institute of Photography before starting his practice as a professional commercial photographer. Damni joined as an assistant to the photography course director in 2015 at Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts, New Delhi. In 2018 Damni joined the prestigious Museo Camera in Gurugram, Haryana as the museum coordinator helping with various programs and working with the museum curatorial team, which he continues along with working on his self derived personal projects.
Declaración curatorial: “Anécdotas de un viajero” Damni es un joven fotógrafo y un importante miembro del equipo como coordinador con el prestigioso “Museo Camera” en Gurugram, en la Región de la capital nacional de Delhi. Como fotógrafo, le resulta imposible no ser un observador del mundo cotidiano urbano y suburbano que gira dentro del Metro de Delhi, que es su viaje diario. Su cámara de iPhone a lo largo del tiempo se ha convertido en su no intrusiva, pero una herramienta inevitable para transmitir las muchas historias momentáneas y de viaje de sus diversos compañeros descuidados. Damni y su agudo ojo visual de narrador se niegan a dejar pasar estos numerosos momentos intrigantes. Este proceso continuo se ha convertido en su ritual diario desde agosto de 2021.
Sandeep Biswas
Damni Kumar, de 28 años, nació en el estado indio de Punjab y se crió en el Uttar Pradesh. Se mudó a Nueva Delhi en 2008. Completó su diploma en fotografía en 2013 del Apex Institute of Photography antes de comenzar su práctica como fotógrafo comercial profesional. Damni se unió como asistente al director del curso de fotografía en 2015 en el Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts, Nueva Delhi. En 2018 se unió a la prestigiosa Cámara del Museo en Gurugram, Haryana como coordinador del museo ayudando con diversos programas y trabajando con el equipo curatorial del museo, que continúa trabajando junto con sus proyectos personales auto-derivados.